Articles By Guest Author

Guest Author

Guest Author

Enforcing the Law: An Economic Approach to Maritime Piracy and its Control

Enforcing the Law: An Economic Approach to Maritime Piracy and its Control

Modern day maritime piracy is a world-wide phenomenon that poses a serious threat to international shipping. An economic approach to the control of maritime piracy is based on the general economic theory of law enforcement that views offenders (pirates) as rational decision makers who would respond to threatened punishments.

Rights And Duties Of Seafarers Upon Criminalisation

Rights And Duties Of Seafarers Upon Criminalisation

The practice of charging masters and ships’ officers, as well as other crew members, with criminal offences have resulted in creating widespread attention in recent years, both within and beyond the shipping industry.

Maintenance and Inspection of Marine Wire Ropes for Better Performance

Maintenance and Inspection of Marine Wire Ropes for Better Performance

Wire ropes for ships are used in a global marine environment that is typically harsh. Seafarers must conform to universal good practices of marine wire ropes inspection and maintenance to ensure that their use doesn’t compromise the safety of onboard personnel and that these wire ropes are able to perform to the fullest.