Articles By KaranC



Karan Chopra is an experienced Mariner and a Dual Certificate Holder (Engine and Deck). He has sailed as 2nd Officer for more than seven years on almost all major types of vessels. He staunchly believes in spreading knowledge and therefore loves teaching. In his spare time, he likes writing about his experiences at the sea and connecting with new peopl

Career of Electro Technical Officer on Ship

Career of Electro Technical Officer on Ship

An Electro technical officer on ship has the responsibility of talking care of the electrical systems of the ship. This career comes with great responsibility and provides good remuneration in return. Find out more about the career of electro technical officer of ships inside the article.

Effects of Dredging on the Marine Environment

Effects of Dredging on the Marine Environment

Dredging though commercially a very important activity in the shipping industry has several negative impacts on the marine environment. Find out about the various effects of dredging in this article.

Who is a Ship Chandler?

Who is a Ship Chandler?

A ship chandler is a person who exclusively deals in supplying for a shipping vessel its required commodities. In other words, just like a grocer supplies food grains to households, a ship chandler supplies essentially required commodities to a ship and its crew.

What are Ozone Depleting Substances on Ships?

What are Ozone Depleting Substances on Ships?

Ozone layer in the earth’s atmosphere is depleting at a very fast rate because of the use of several harmful substances that effect the environment. Shipping industry is also one of the contributors that emit ozone depleting substances. Find out what are these substances inside the article.

Mastering Ship’s Navigation-Part 3

Mastering Ship’s Navigation-Part 3

Mastering ship’s navigation is a continuous process. Deck officers need to learn the intricacies of marine navigation for a safe ship passage. In this article, learn as to how to handle the stopping distance of the ship.

10 Important Points to Remember During Mooring Operation On Ships

10 Important Points to Remember During Mooring Operation On Ships

Mooring operation is one of the most important and dangerous tasks that seafarers have to perform on the ship’s deck. Learn about ten important points that must be considered while carrying out mooring operations on ships to ensure safety of the ship and its crew.