Articles By KaranC



Karan Chopra is an experienced Mariner and a Dual Certificate Holder (Engine and Deck). He has sailed as 2nd Officer for more than seven years on almost all major types of vessels. He staunchly believes in spreading knowledge and therefore loves teaching. In his spare time, he likes writing about his experiences at the sea and connecting with new peopl

What is Parametric Rolling in Container Ships?

What is Parametric Rolling in Container Ships?

Rolling and pitching on ships is a phenomenon that is experienced on every sea going ship. However, parametric rolling is a type of rolling that is seen only on container ships. Find out more about parametric rolling and how to avoid it.

What are Anti Fouling Paints and TBT ?

What are Anti Fouling Paints and TBT ?

The application of protective coating of anti fouling paints results in a smooth hull devoid of any marine fouling, which decreases the frictional resistance caused by the water flow. The anti-fouling paints decrease the load on the engine and increase fuel efficiency.

What is Garbage Management Plan (GMP) on a Ship?

What is Garbage Management Plan (GMP) on a Ship?

Factors adding to Marine pollution comprise of not only the effects of oil and harmful gas emissions but also garbage generated on the ship during normal operation. Such garbage matter includes plastic, synthetics, oil rags, cardboard boxes etc., which are equally harmful for marine organisms and environment as is oil to the sea.

How to Get a Career in Underwater Photography?

How to Get a Career in Underwater Photography?

A career is underwater photography is an unconventional yet rewarding career for those who want to explore the great depths of the sea. There are few things you need to know about diving photography before you get into it. Find out how to become underwater photographer inside the article.

What are Break Bulk Ships?

What are Break Bulk Ships?

Break bulk ships are perhaps the oldest variety of cargo carrying vessels which still operate at the sea. Unlike the present-day versions of cargo vessels, these types of ship were used for bulk cargo without putting the cargo into shipping containers.

Duties of a 4th Engineer on a Ship

Duties of a 4th Engineer on a Ship

Going as a fourth engineer on a ship is the first step for any marine engineer towards a responsible and flourishing maritime career. Find out more about the duties of a 4th Engineer on a Ship.