Articles By Mahendra Singh

Mahendra Singh

Mahendra Singh

Mahendra Singh is a marine engineer with more than 20 years of experience as chief engineer on a variety of vessels such as bulk, container and car carriers. He has also served as an engineer and ship surveyor with the Government of India. When not sailing, Mahendra Singh likes to teach at maritime academies.

The Ultimate Guide to Fuel Oil Bunkering Process on Ships

The Ultimate Guide to Fuel Oil Bunkering Process on Ships

Are you scared of carrying out oil bunkering procedure on ships? This ultimate guide to efficient fuel oil bunkering process on ships would make this important operation extremely safe and error-free for you. Provided with real life experiences.

10 Problems Affecting Seafarers Today

10 Problems Affecting Seafarers Today

Several issues faced by the shipping industry have made seafarers’ lives at sea extremely difficult. The methods in which several issues are being handled by the maritime authorities have led to aggravation of problems which needs to be solved as soon as possible. Mentioned herein are five of such problems

15 Practical Tips For Bunkering and Storage of Fuel Oil On Ships

15 Practical Tips For Bunkering and Storage of Fuel Oil On Ships

The high cost of marine fuel oil requires maritime professionals to bunker, store and use the heavy fuel oil, diesel oil and marine gas oil very carefully and exercise due diligence in keeping track of the consumptions meticulously. Learn important practical tips for bunkering and storage of fuel oil on ships.

How to Improve Energy Efficiency of Ships?

How to Improve Energy Efficiency of Ships?

With the introduction of new rules such as the energy efficiency design index (EEDI), energy saving on ships has become a matter of great importance. Chief engineer Mahendra Singh provides great tips on saving energy and increasing efficiency on ships in this article.