Articles By Mohit



Mohit Kaushik is a marine engineer sailing with Maersk Shipping. He handles website development and technical support at Marine Insight. Apart from handling web development projects, he also manages a logistics company and have a keen interest in modern logistic technologies .

Top 10 Supply Chain Management Books

Top 10 Supply Chain Management Books

Check out the list of top 10 supply chain management books that will help you in narrowing down your choices in the process of acquiring knowledge.

When Were Boats Invented?

When Were Boats Invented?

Boats have been used by mankind for thousands of years and are older than any other form of transportation. Let’s learn a bit about when were boats first invented.

9 Major Ports in Kenya

9 Major Ports in Kenya

Situated in Eastern Africa, Kenya is categorized as a middle-income country. Let’s take a look at some of the major ports of Kenya.

Major Ports And Terminals In Mauritius

Major Ports And Terminals In Mauritius

The island country of Mauritius is a well-developed economy. This economic prosperity is attributed to the country’s flourishing tourism sector, sugar, textiles, and finance industry.

10 Major Ports in Romania

10 Major Ports in Romania

Ports play a vital role in a nation’s economic development by facilitating smooth trading operations.Let’s look at some major ports of Romania in this article.