Articles By Mohit



Mohit Kaushik is a marine engineer sailing with Maersk Shipping. He handles website development and technical support at Marine Insight. Apart from handling web development projects, he also manages a logistics company and have a keen interest in modern logistic technologies .

What are Malaccamax Vessels?

What are Malaccamax Vessels?

“Malaccamax” is a ship classification based on the size of the ship. These vessels are custom-built to allow easy passage through the channel of the Strait of Malacca. Find out more about Malaccamax Vessels inside the article.

The Ievoli Sun Chemical Tanker Incident

The Ievoli Sun Chemical Tanker Incident

The capsizing of a chemical tanker ship – Ievoli Sun – led to huge causes of concern on account of huge potentiality of maritime ecosystem pollution. Find out more about the chemical tanker Ievoli Sun incident inside the article.

Choosing the Career of Marine Biologist

Choosing the Career of Marine Biologist

A marine biologist, as the name suggests is involved extensively with the aspect of biology in the marine zone. It’s a very extensive field and involves a lot of effort on the part of a marine biologist, right from the time of taking up a marine biologist degree and going for a marine biologist education.