Articles By Rishab Joshi

Rishab Joshi

Rishab Joshi

Rishab Joshi is marine engineer with extensive experience of tanker vessels. Presently working with General Maritime Corporation (GMC), he loves reading maritime case studies and reports on trending issues. Also an amateur photographer, he doesn’t miss a chance to use his camera while at sea. Currently busy writing an e-book on oil tankers.

6 Major Ports in Denmark

6 Major Ports in Denmark

Denmark has a highly developed economy with a strong maritime shipping sector supervised by the Danish Maritime Authority. Let’s take a look at the major ports of Denmark.

9 Major Ports and Terminals in Gabon

9 Major Ports and Terminals in Gabon

Gabon is a central African country lying on the western coastline of Africa, bordering Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Congo. Let’s check out the main ports and terminals of the small equatorial country.

6 Major Ports in Iran

6 Major Ports in Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran lies in West Asia at the crossroads of major trade routes passing through the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Let us explore the features of the 6 major ports in Iran.

5 Major Ports in Tanzania

5 Major Ports in Tanzania

The United Republic of Tanzania lies in the Great Lakes region of East Africa. Let’s take a look at all the major ports of Tanzania.

Top 10 Most Powerful Tugboats in the World

Top 10 Most Powerful Tugboats in the World

A tugboat is a special type of marine vessel used for manoeuvring larger ships into the port harbours or narrow waterways. Let us have a look at the 10 most powerful tugboats in the world.

10 Facts of Marmara Sea You Might Not Know

10 Facts of Marmara Sea You Might Not Know

Marmara sea is a water body surrounded by the transcontinental nation of Turkey, dividing the nation into its Asian and European parts. Let’s find out some amazing Marmara sea facts.

7 Major Ports in Kazakhstan

7 Major Ports in Kazakhstan

The Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan has the best-performing economy in the region driven by the manufacturing, services and banking sectors followed by agriculture. Let’s take a look at the major ports of Kazakhstan.

5 Major Ports of Ukraine

5 Major Ports of Ukraine

Ukraine is the second-largest European country positioned in the eastern part of the continent. In this article, let us have a look at the 5 major ports of Ukraine.