Articles By Shamseer Mambra

Shamseer Mambra

Shamseer Mambra

Journalist by training, and an academic in aspiration, Shamseer Mambra currently works as a freelance journalist, after spending three years in the newsrooms of some of the reputed media houses in India. When not at work, he likes to read, click photographs and go for a ride on his bike.

6 Bosphorus Strait Facts You Must Know  

6 Bosphorus Strait Facts You Must Know  

Bosphorus strait is a natural strait, located in northwestern Turkey, connecting the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. Also known as the Strait of Istanbul, this water way links the European part of the city from its Asian part and thus remains as a very strategic waterway in the region.

Ghost Ship – The Mysterious Flying Dutchman Story

Ghost Ship – The Mysterious Flying Dutchman Story

Stories of ghosts and paranormal activities at sea interests us all. The mystery of the Flying Dutchman ship is one such story that scares even the one with the strongest heart. Know the mystery of the Ghost ship Flying Dutchman inside the article.

What is the Mystery of the Sea Serpent?

What is the Mystery of the Sea Serpent?

Folklores of sea navigation and voyages have been agog with tales of sea-serpents and reptilian monsters stalking vessels and ships. Intriguing and fearsome, the serpent at the sea forms a part of many a marine cultures across the world.

What are Sea Shanties?

What are Sea Shanties?

Songs sung by seafarers to give their mundane chores a semblance of pleasure and merriment, in the 1800s were called sea shanties. Find out more about sea songs in this article.

The Complete Story Of The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

The Complete Story Of The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Among the oil spills that occurred in the last five decades, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill remains the worst oil spill to date. In the accident that took place almost 30 years ago, over 11 million gallons of crude oil were released into the waters of the Gulf of Alaska, killing thousands of marine life.

8 Major Ports of Taiwan

8 Major Ports of Taiwan

The East Asian nation of Taiwan is a developed economy driven by the Services and manufacturing sectors. In this article, let us look at the major ports in Taiwan.

6 Major Ports Of Madagascar

6 Major Ports Of Madagascar

Madagascar is an island nation in the Indian Ocean and is considered a biodiversity hotspot. Let’s take a look at all the major ports of Madagascar.