Articles By Zahra Ahmed

Zahra Ahmed

Zahra Ahmed

Zahra is an alumna of Miranda House, University of Delhi. She is an avid writer, possessing immaculate research and editing skills. Author of several academic papers, she has also worked as a freelance writer, producing many technical, creative and marketing pieces. A true aesthete at heart, she loves books a little more than anything else.

10 Best Inflatable Kayaks

10 Best Inflatable Kayaks

Most inflatable kayaks are made of PVC, which is cheaper than other materials. It cannot tolerate chemicals, Ultraviolet rays and is not heat resistant. Nylon and vinyl are also used for making kayaks. Know more about the best inflatable kayaks in this article.

8 Interesting Facts About Cape Route

8 Interesting Facts About Cape Route

Cape Route, also referred to as the European Asian Sea Route, the sea route to India or simply the Cape Route, is an important waterway stretching from the European shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the Asian coast of the Indian Ocean.

10 Interesting Facts About The Gulf of Suez

10 Interesting Facts About The Gulf of Suez

The Gulf of Suez is also called the northwestern extension of the Red Sea, positioned between Africa and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Read along to discover some interesting facts about the Gulf of Suez.

Top 10 Fjords in Norway

Top 10 Fjords in Norway

Norway is synonymous with scenic fjords, just as Venice is for its beautiful canals. The Scandinavian country has over 1100 fjords, of which about 10 are accessible via cruise ships too.

7 Major Ports Of Croatia

7 Major Ports Of Croatia

Croatia’s shipping sector is growing rapidly. It has six international ports and harbours. Let’s learn about them in detail.

10 Biggest Straits Of The World

10 Biggest Straits Of The World

The world’s biggest straits are like intricate waterways woven by natural forces on the earth’s canvas. Let’s take a look at top ten Biggest Straits of the World.

Video: What Are Marine Buoys and Markers ?

Video: What Are Marine Buoys and Markers ?

Sea marks are physical indicators used as navigational aids and references for various purposes. They serve as guides by marking hazardous areas, indicating high maritime traffic zones, and identifying safe and navigable areas.

10 Largest Estuaries In The World

10 Largest Estuaries In The World

The National Geographic Society defines an Estuary as a region where a freshwater river or stream meets the salty ocean, forming brackish water habitats. Check out largest Estuaries In The World in this article.