10 Laptev Sea Facts You Might Not Know

10 Laptev Sea Facts You Might Not Know

The Laptev Sea is a marginal water body of the mighty Arctic Ocean. From the south, it is surrounded by the northern shores of Siberia, the Taimyr Penisula and the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago to the west, and the New Siberian islands to the east. Read along to know some interesting facts about this water body.

10 Kara Sea Facts You Must Know

10 Kara Sea Facts You Must Know

The Kara Sea is one of the world’s most unwelcoming and rough water bodies. It is a marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean and lies north of Siberia. Let us know the 10 fascinating facts about the Kara Sea in this article.

6 Causes Of Sewage Pollution In The Ocean

6 Causes Of Sewage Pollution In The Ocean

There are several reasons why sewage ends up in the oceans. A significant chunk of the issue lies in technological and infrastructural investments made by most governments in laying a well-planned drainage system in their cities and towns. Know more about the issue of sewage pollution in this article.

10 Famous Coral Reefs In The World

10 Famous Coral Reefs In The World

Coral reefs are formed by millions and millions of coral polyps that latch on each other through calcium carbonate. Though most corals use photosynthesis, others have tentacles to catch prey to survive. Know more about the 10 famous coral reefs in this article.

10 Marine Biome Facts You Must Know

10 Marine Biome Facts You Must Know

Dr Deitrich Malinger, a famous environmentalist, coined the term ‘biome’ in 1967. The animals, plants and other living organisms living in a particular biome or area adapt to their environment by developing special adaptations for surviving. Read this article to learn 10 interesting facts about the marine biome.

10 Types Of Ocean Pollution

10 Types Of Ocean Pollution

Oceans regulate climate, cause rainfall, provide the majority of the earth’s oxygen supply and are home to several species of plants and animals that constitute the marine ecosystem. However, they are being polluted. Learn about the 10 types of ocean pollution and much more in this article.

What is the Great Blue Hole of Belize?

What is the Great Blue Hole of Belize?

The Great Blue Hole of Belize, one of the world’s most famous diving zones, forms a perfect circle in the midst of a coral reef. The Blue Hole is a swallow hole that was caused by the collapse of a cavern formed during the glacial ages tens of thousands of years ago.

15 Amazing Facts About Coral Reefs

15 Amazing Facts About Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are colourful, come in all shapes and sizes, and are an iconic sight in some oceans and seas. Learn 15 amazing facts about coral reefs in this article.

10 Azov Sea Facts You Might Not Know

10 Azov Sea Facts You Might Not Know

An inland sea, the Azov sea is located in Eastern Europe and is connected to the Black Sea through the 4 km long Kerch Strait whose narrowest point lies in the Azov sea. Learn more about Azov sea facts inside the article.