What are Polar Cruise Ships?

In his adventurous quest to explore the never-before reached vistas, man has started to reach up to even the remote locations of the polar regions. Especially in the maritime industry, polar shipping as a part of cruising has started making really great inroads in the minds of the potential patrons.

Keeping in mind this interest among the people, the cruise industry offers cruising trips to exotic locations in the Polar region, thereby capitalizing on a market completely left wide open.

Polar cruise ships are special ships which are made for cruising holidays in the polar regions.

 Polar Cruise Ships’ Requirements

Stringent guidelines need to be followed before a vessel is put into operation in the polar region.

Polar Cruise Ship

Considering the dubious nature of the domain of operation, a great deal of attention towards the designing and construction of the polar cruise ships is also required.

Cruise lines operating such polar passenger ships are thus required to ensure that the vessels under their operation are suitably equipped.

  • Lack of hull fortification can lead to leaks while the vessel is on water; therefore the hulls of the polar ships need to be fortified appropriately to deal with thick ice. The M/V Explorer capsized in 2007 because of lack of adequate fortification. One of the most famous Antarctic ships, the vessel was lost to the icy depths of the Antarctic, though all the cruisers were rescued safely
  • Alongside quality-control, it’s also expected that the cruise companies put a limit on the cruisers wanting to be a part of the cruise trip. The lesser the number of passengers, the better to handle the efficiency and workability of the trip
  • Appropriate fuel modification is also required so as to ensure no lingering damage to these fragile ecosystems in case of any problems, arising at any time

USPs of Polar Explorations

The Arctic and the Antarctic ships do not just pass through one Arctic or Antarctic zone. Cruise conglomerates plan the itinerary in such a way that patrons get to enjoy and reap the maximum benefit from such a trip. Also since these polar ships cater only during a particular season, it’s really breathtaking to observe the uniquely natural and scenic beauty of these far-flung geographic arenas.

The polar shipping industry is still in its nascent stages. However, looking at the positive attention it’s garnering, it becomes quite obvious that the takers for such unique cruises will be many in the days to come.

Reference bimco, travelwild, jamescairdsociety, seattletimes

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