Concept: Cuttlefish Shaped Oceanic Cleaning System

As the awareness towards clean ocean and marine environment increases, the need and demand for autonomous cleaning system is on the rise.

Taking Ocean protection to an all new level is the cuttlefish shaped oceanic cleaning system. The concept is designed by Erik Borg.

Cuttlefish Shaped Oceanic Cleaning System

The cuttlefish ocean cleaning system uses ocean power and autonomous satellite units to find and capture plastic particles and man-made waste.

Cuttlefish Shaped Oceanic Cleaning System

As the design is inspired by the cuttlefish, the unit consists of detachable satellites, which uses lateral fins to manoeuvre through water and collect waste and debris.

Cuttlefish Shaped Oceanic Cleaning System

Once the waste is collected, the units navigate back to the base where it is deposited and sorted for recycling.



Image Credits

simple , bestofmicro , knegadesign

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One Comment

  1. This is awesome.👍
    I’m on disability retirement and can’t get out. Otherwise i would be diving the worlds to help sustainability of our eco systems and mainly our animals.what are cruise ships doing witb their garbage?????

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