Infographic: What is the Panama Canal Expansion Program?

The Panama Canal Expansion is the largest project at the Canal since its original construction. The project will create a new lane of traffic along the Canal through the construction of a new set of locks, doubling the waterway’s capacity.

The Program consists of several components/projects:

  • New Locks (Third Set of Locks), which is the construction of two lock complexes, which will create a third lane of traffic.
  • Pacific Access Channel, also known as PAC4, which is the excavation of a 6.1 km-long access channel for the new Pacific locks to bypass Miraflores Lake.
  • Dredging of the navigational channels along the waterway.
  • Improvements to water supply by raising Gatun Lake maximum operational level by 45 cm to improve the Canal’s water supply and draft.
Panama Canal Expansion
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