9 Ways for Shipping Companies to Benefit from Strict Safety Policies

Operating a shipping company in the present time is not an easy task. Every week the maritime fraternity hears about a new regulation either regarding the protection of the marine environment or for the enhancement of personal safety of crew on board ships.

To operate in such strict environment, every company needs to have utmost discipline along with a quality crew. This requires great amount of resources and manpower, not to forget the important financial back up.

However, though the number of regulations required for operating a shipping company might seem intimidating in the first place, ensuring that these laws are followed at any cost would benefit the company exceptionally in the long run.

Safety at sea

Shipping companies operate ships under the ISM code to ensure that the safety of personnel onboard ships is not sacrificed. Following these norms would not only guarantee the safety of lives at sea but would also generate great profits for the company.

We bring you nine ways in which shipping companies can makes profit from implementing strict safety policies on board ships.

1.  Increased Work Efficiency

When a company is strict in implementing safety policy on the ships, it ensures that its crew is safe out at the sea in spite of the limited medical facilities. These steps taken to enhance personal safety on board ships, invokes a feeling among the crew members that the company cares for them.

Such attitude by the company increases the confidence of the personnel working onboard which in turns provides greater efficiency in work.

2.  A Healthy Crew leads to Smoother Ships

A shipping company that leave no stone unturned to make sure that its crew is fit and healthy on board ships, is not only eradicating every sign of work fatigue and stress among crew members but is also ensuring a smooth and timely operation of its ships.

3.  Reduced Absence from the work

A ship has limited number of people working on it. Absence of even a single officer might make shipping operations suffer, as team effort is extremely important on board ships.  A person falling sick or injured will weaken the team and also the operating efficiency of the ship.

4.  Reduced Medical Treatment Cost

When a professional is injured on the ship, the shipping company has to bear the treatment cost for the illness or injury at the nearest port. Such treatment costs are often very high.

Obeying a strict safety policy on ships would reduce the number of accidents, saving large amount of money on medical expenses.

5.  Reduced Crew Management Cost

A better safety culture on ships reduces the probability of untimely or sudden sign off of crew members because of poor health or injuries. This helps the company to control unnecessary expenses involved with manning costs required to replace injured crew on the ship.

6.  Helps in Building Reputation

When a shipping company insists on following safety procedure on ships, it not only built a reputation for itself among its crew but also in the entire shipping industry.

7.  Helps to Retain an Efficient crew

A shipping company giving safety the first priority will be more preferred by crew members and job seekers.

A person having a smooth and safe sailing on a ship will prefer the same company for his/her next contract, which in turn would benefit the company as the same staff, which already knows the ship and company policies, will be retained.

8.  Saving of Insurance and Legal Cost

With minimum number of accidents taking place on ships, the company can save a lot on insurance and legal matters arising as a result of such mishaps.

9.  Reduction in machinery maintenance costs

The health and safety policy on ships also includes safe operation of machinery. If safety measures are followed religiously, in an efficient manner, a lot of money can be saved in damage and repair costs of machines and systems.

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