Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Fire in the Ship’s Accommodation Area

Out of all the causes for accidents and casualties onboard a ship, fire remains at the top of the lists. In the past, even a simple accident of fire has resulted into sinking or grounding of the ship. In this article we bring you the dos and don’ts to avoid fire in the ship’s accommodation area.

It is noted that the maximum number fires on ships initiates in the ship’s accommodation area due to negligence of the ship’s staff. The accommodation area of the ship is vulnerable to fire as it comprises substance such as wood, cardboard, and other personal fire-sensitive things used by the ship’s crew onboard.


A ship accommodation is an area where the crew member’s cabin is located along with galley, recreational room, meeting room etc. The best way to avoid incidents of fire on ship is to take preventive measures than to suffer later.

  • Do not smoke cigarette sitting or lying on the bed and also, do not keep or throw live smoking buds in the dust bins.
  • Try not to use essence stick or candles inside the cabins. If they are used, make sure they are lit up during your own presence and while your going out of the cabin, are blown off
  • Never use hot plate or heater for cooking purpose inside the cabin.
  • Never use loose or open wire (without plug or naked wire).
  • Always make sure electrical circuit is never overloaded i.e. too many connection in one socket.
  • Never put your clothes near or on room heater or lamps.
  • Do not bring oily rags inside your boiler suit pocket into the cabin.
  • Never leave iron unattended when ironing clothes in laundry room.
  • Always make sure all the electrical circuits in accommodation are in sound condition to avoid short circuit fire.
  • Chief cook should make sure that galley is always attended when hot plate is on.
  • Never leave oil pan unattended in galley.
  • Toaster and kettle must never be over heated.
  • If any welding or gas cutting operation is carried out inside accommodation, all the precaution that are necessary, must be taken.
  • In tanker ship, accommodation ventilation suction should be away from cargo holds as their vapour can enter inside the accommodation and create a flammable atmosphere.
  • All the visitors coming on board when the ship is at port must be briefed about the fire hazards.

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About Author

An ardent sailor and a techie, Anish Wankhede has voyaged on a number of ships as a marine engineer officer. He loves multitasking, networking, and troubleshooting. He is the one behind the unique creativity and aesthetics at Marine Insight.

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