Free eBook – The Ultimate Guide to Personal Safety on Ships

The famous saying “Safety First, Safety Always” has great importance on ships. If you are a seafarer, you would know what it is like working on board ships.

Needless to say, safety forms an integral part of the working procedure of people working on ships.

People at Marine Insight have worked on ships and therefore know the value and benefits of having a “safety first” attitude.

However, safety is often compromised by seafarers because of several reasons, leading to adverse accidents including death.

So how do we ensure that seafarers always include safety procedures in their lifestyle while on ship?

To provide a solution to the problem of safety on ships, Marine Insight has launched the eBook –

“The Ultimate Guide to Personal Safety on Ships” personal safety

Every seafarer should imbibe the safety-first mindset for his or her own wellbeing on ships.


That is exactly what this eBook would teaches you for FREE!

What will you learn in this eBook?

  • The importance of personal safety on ships
  • How to develop the right attitude towards personal safety?
  • What all things are included in personal safety?
  • What all things you should know before boarding the ship?
  • What all things you need to know the moment you step on board?
  • Different checklists and forms for personal safety
  • Developing the right attitude once on board
  • Benefits of behaving responsible and safe on ships
  • How to achieve personal safety in every part of the ship?  – Engine room, Deck, Accommodation area, Galley, Workshop, cargo hold.
  • Personal safety in Ship’s Operations : Machinery Maintenance, Cargo operation, Mooring operation, Lifting loads, Crane operation, Working aloft, Enclosed space entry, Cleaning and painting process, Bunkering, and Handling chemicals
  • How to use Personal Protective Equipment on Ships? –  Emergency Escape Breathing Device, Life Vest, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, Thermal protective aid Immersion Suit, Fire Fighter’s Suit
  • Miscellaneous Safety Tips and Resources

And much more!

Now the best part – This eBook is Absolutely FREE

156 pages filled with power-packed information on personal safety at sea.

Just provide you email address below and download it immediately.

Sign-up To Download this eBook + 9 More FREE eBooks >> Click Here To Subscribe

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