Top 7 Websites for Maritime Accident Investigation Reports and Case Studies

Even with all the advancements of technology in the industry, maritime accidents still take place at the sea. Dedicated bodies have been formed to investigate such unfortunate accidents at the sea in order to find the real reasons behind their occurrence. These organizations or units produce reports and case studies based on their investigations and distribute them to the maritime fraternity for education and training purpose, apart from other legal proceedings.

Maritime accident investigation reports and case studies are often used as valuable resources for educating maritime professionals regarding various reasons that lead to fatal accidents at the sea. Learning from others mistakes to enhance personal and ship safety is extremely essential.

Mentioned below are seven such online resources which offer maritime accident investigation reports, case studies, safety tips and much more. These websites must be read by maritime professionals of all ranks and departments.

1. Maritime Accident

Bob Couttie’s Maritime Accident Casebook is a popular resource featuring maritime accident reports, case studies, and podcasts. The website offer interesting details on how accidents take place at sea and what should be done to avoid them. This is a must-read website for everyone belonging to the maritime industry.

2. Cargo Law

Cargo law is also an interesting website which features all major accidents from the global transportation industry. The website’s photo gallery lists several maritime accidents with reports, investigation details, and other important resources.

container lashing failure

3. Mars Reports – The Nautical Institute 

MARS stands for Mariner’s Alerting and Reporting Scheme run by the Nautical Institue. These free marine casualty reports contain valuable insights from recent maritime accidents and mishaps onboard ships. MARS reports are an important tool for risk assessment and training ship’s crew.

4. European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) 

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) offers summaries and safety recommendations from marine investigation reports involving ships. An important reference on maritime accidents from a variety of categories, the website offers downloadable reports with summary and safety recommendations.

5. Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)

Marine Accident Investigation Branch is a unit of Department of Transport, UK dedicated to finding causes and circumstances of marine accidents at sea. The website offers investigation report, safety studies, and much more. All information is free to access.

6. Marine Casualty Investigation Board (MCIB)

Marine Casualty Investigation Board (MCIB) offers investigation reports in PDF format with all important details that lead to such unfortunate events. The MCIB reports and investigates maritime casualties and provides annual reports for the same.

7. Danish Maritime Investigation Board (DMIB)

Danish Maritime Investigation Board (DMIB) is an independent unit under the Danish Ministry of Business and Growth. The unit annually investigates around 140 vessels involved with maritime accidents and offers reports on them.

Additional Mention

Maritime NewZealand

Maritime NewZealand also offers accident and investigation reports involving different types of vessels.

Do you know any other important maritime accident case studies resource? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. You can add also:
    the Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation. BSU Germany.

    Transportation Safety Board of Canada.


  2. A professional reporting Centre is the Regional Maritime Information Sharing Centre. It reports marine incidents occur in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean. Please advertise it so mariners who pass the area can get possible assistance and warnings!

  3. What is the marine terminology for accident prone areas the way you refer to blackspots in road safety?

  4. Dose anyone know where to download episodes of
    The Maritime Accident Casebook file. Bob Cuttie did such a great job on his podcasts.

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