12 Ways to Master the Engine Room Watchkeeping Procedure

12 Ways to Master the Engine Room Watchkeeping Procedure

Watch keeping is an integral part of marine engineer’s duties on board ship. A lot of maintenance work can be reduced by following an efficient watch keeping routine in the ship’s engine room. Moreover, it can also avoid serious accidents from taking place.

Gas Engineer- An Exciting Offshore Career

Gas Engineer- An Exciting Offshore Career

The profession of a gas engineer is an exciting offshore career which provides ample opportunities along with good remuneration. Find out how one can become a gas engineer and what does it takes to become one.

Duties of 2nd Engineer on Ship

Duties of 2nd Engineer on Ship

One of the most important positions in the hierarchy level of maritime professionals working on the ship is the position of Second engineer. As the position comes under the management level category, second engineer’s job is not only limited to carry out his own duties but also to look after the entire operation of the engine room and other technical aspects of the ship.