The Ultimate Guide to Port State Control (PSC) Inspection on Ships

The Ultimate Guide to Port State Control (PSC) Inspection on Ships

All ships sailing in international waters are required to comply with the international codes and conventions put forth by the maritime authorities. Port state control (PSC) inspection is carried out to find deficiencies in foreign ships. This ultimate guide will help you with every aspect of the port state control inspection.

Implementation of IMO Regulations: Where Do We Stand?

Implementation of IMO Regulations: Where Do We Stand?

With the introduction of series of maritime regulations in the industry in the past few years, it is important to take a step back and think where do we really stand as far as proper implementation of these regulations is concerned.

PSC Inspection Report For Q2 2015

PSC Inspection Report For Q2 2015

The PSC report aims to highlight trends and information regarding the number of inspections that are being conducted each quarter, the number of deficiencies that are being issued in each inspection as well as to identify the various ports where more than 3 detentions have been recorded during each quarter.