E-Ship 1: Germany’s Unusual RoLo Cargo Ship

E-Ship 1, Germany’s unusual ship, is owned by the third largest wind manufacturer, Enercon GmbH. The 12,800 dwt ship has been built to transport wind turbine components and was built at two different shipyards in Germany.

Ship Statistics and Salient Features

  • The ship was first launched in August 2010
  • It’s an Ice Class E3 Vessel
  • Length : 130 m
  • Beam : 22.5 m
  • Max Speed : 17.5 Knots
  • Uses Mitsubishi marine diesel engines with a total output of 3.5 MW

Salient Features

  • Flettner Rotors: The ship uses four 27m high and 4m diameter Frettner rotors
  • It uses Magnus Effect Propulsion System
  • The ship’s bridge is located at the bow
  • Has a Rear vam

Reports say that the Flettner rotors help the ship in saving fuel consumption up to 30-40%. Moreover, the ship also sails through the Kiel Canal, and thus operates in Baltic region as well. 

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One Comment

  1. Wicked! Is it really better than sail power though? If you’re going to use the power of the wind isn’t it more efficient to not also be burning fuel?

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